HAHAHHA You must be thinking why I would blog about a Dog's Birthday right?
Its because I asked my friend to help me get these awesome treats for my dog!!!
If you don't know there's a dog bakery shop at Nex, Vivo also have but Nex has more varieties!
If I remember properly, Vivo Only sell Cakes , Donuts & Biscuits... But Nex has Pizzas etc... LOL
All Dog food la.. HAHAHA Hiccup's birthday isn't actually today. its in 1 hour's time. But need to celebrate it earlier because the food can only be kept in the fridge for 4days...
And of cos.... HUMANS CAN EAT THE FOOD TOO.. But My sis tasted it.. They taste like not very good leh.. HAHAHA
So here's the photos:
These were all the food that I bought for hiccup.. ( I so good... No la my mum & sis got chip in too LOL )
So sad lol If the packaging is nicer then it would be very awesome LOL
Introducing Hiccup's 2nf birthday cake! Last year we bought a chocolate cake! THIS YEAR WE BOUGHT A CUSTOM MAKE ONE!!
Normal cake is - SGD$16.05
Custom cake is - SGD$21.40
Okay la Price don't differ by a lot...
Donuts! So cute !!!!
Eclair Muffins eh! Eclair leh the chocolate brand LOL
This is called the Pizza but looks more like a pie or some a weird biscuit. LOL BUT HICCUP LOVED THIS THE MOST.. LOL
Loads and Loads Of cookies! I bought Strawberry, Honey, Cheese & PANDAN Flavors !!
Here's hiccup's birthday fest !! He loved it for sure!!
Some of the photos taken :
Hiccup so happy cutting the cake!!
I actually used a biscuit to lure him to look LOLLOLLOL
He is like... CAN WE CUT THE CAKE ? 'YAWNS' I wana eat!!
Last cute & blurr photo of him! HAHAH
Interested to get your dog a birthday treat?
Go down to Pet Lovers Center at NEXMALL BRANCH OR VIVO...
Most of the Pet Lovers Center don't sell the bakery stuffs one ah ! Only selected ones!
Okay ! BYEBYE :D
Enjoy your weekends :D
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