From the title you can tell that A HA. Its my birthday! Okay la over already!
I celebrated my birthday on sunday - 29/07/12 (6days ago) LOL
Okay you know my birthdate already ah ! HAHAHA (REMEMBER MY PRESENTIE) LOL
First of all I have a good news! AHHAHA
- I finally sold all my stuffs from Le kife sales! Including my Gucci bag. HEE HEE HEE..
Secondly the video that I filmed is out ! Here is the video !
Okay I looked like shit lol... My hair was styled like a nerd.. Looked so fat and ugly :(
Okay let's stop the topic and carry on with my beloved birthday party... HAHAH
I booked a place at my aunt's place... Its a Multi Purpose Hall.. Freaking big..
It was a 'bring your own dish party' And this were SOME* of the food that we brought..
We ended up with so many unfinished food.. ROFL.
Brought the Monster out... You know why I call him a monster? He bite my friend's dog three times.. Make me super angry and released my anger in front of my friends. LOL
The early birds get to eat first AHAHA!
Second group came!
haha The party was really boring at first...
Ding ding ding.. Don't know what were they doing.. haha
Still very sian...
My cousin came... He is only 15.. So freaking tall.. I SWEAR I'M TALLER THAN HIM ITS BECAUSE I BEND DOWN A BIT!!
Naughty dogs should be punished !
The husband & wife came over too.. hahaha
Then more people came. And we were gambling. LOL
We were gambling FOOD LOL
Don't know what were they doing siol..
Dono who took this photo -.-
Michelle, Jouri & Sis
Hiccup wanted to attack my friend's do again but my sis stopped him LOL
Ah photo quality so bad! Cannot blame me ah ! - NOT I TAKE ONE LOL
Then I started to find everyone to camwhore HAHAHA
Sis & I
Jouri & I
Michelle & I
Sindy & I
Sindy's bro & I (We were wearing the same clothing LOL)
Ebel & I
Kelvin & I
Ada & I
Manda & I
Jing & I
YP & I
Stella & I
Stella's Bf & I
Simon & I
Joanna & I
Jonah & I
Shawn & I
Jiaren & I
Ahwei & I
Jeff & I
Hellven & I - Omg So touched that he came with his new hairstyle !!
Preston & I
Jolynn & I
Neos & I
Sugo & I (Behind the blonde color is preston's hair LOL)
Jasmine & I
Supei & I
Peiting & I (Future superstar taking photo with me leh LOL)
ZW & I
Geoky & I
YT & I
Dylan & I
Angela & I
Angela's BF & I
Yp's BF & I
Aunt & I
Lastly Beloved mum & I <3 !
Haven't end this blog post la ! HAHAHA
So we carried on taking photos !
Lala, BF & I
Lala & BF
Mum & I before cutting the cake !!!
Me & All my friends that came! hahah - Okay la not all some never join in to take photos some disappeared at the back because they are TOO SHORT HAHAHAHAHA
Making a wish.. Its always very weird to close your eyes and wish in front of so many people because you will never know what will happen to you when you close your eyes. LOL
Then I blow the cake hard ! - Sounds so wrong!
Me & The cake ! - I blurred the chocolate because there's my age there. LOL
Finishing cake session liao everyone going home liao LOL
My cake ! HAHAHA Look hor.. I erased my age. Left the 1 in front ! I'M STILL SUPER YOUNG ! HAHAHAHAH
Okay this group looked so fierce BBUT..
The butlers being anti social.. LOL NO LA. HAHAHA
This girl hiding her face because she scared that people will know her age by looking at her face LOL
Some cleaners and some slackers LOL
This group also anti social one LOL
Still eating uh HAHAH
Snapped A candid shot !
My besties ! ahaha
Okay ! Its about to end soon ! SOOO...
I would like to thank everyone that came to my party, and people who brought their food AND THANK PEOPLE WHO DIDN'T BRING TOO BECAUSE WE HAD TOO MANY FOOD...
And lastly Thank the hundreds of people who wished me happy birthday on my fb, twitter and phone... Really Really Thankful ! My Phone ranged the whole day from 12 mid night onwards... Until after my birthday liao still ringing with fb notifications.. WITHOUT TWITTER NOTIFICATIONS TURNED ON HOR.. HENG AH..
really thank you guys! LOVE YOU ALL!
Lastly !
A cute and lovely photo to mark my 16th birthday a SUCCESS HAHAHAHA
See you soon ! LOVE YOU GUYS :)
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