Friday, June 14, 2013

My Graduation - The Complete Package

Hey guys its been a while since you last see me! Sorry It took me so long just to write this post. There's a reason why it took me so long okay! I didn't just slack... I went to prepare the photos that I took during my school life for the past 3 years! Its so difficult because I had to go back to my crap old blog to get. AND MOST OF MY YEAR 2 PHOTOS ARE GONE because the clever me went to convert my stupid fb account into a page and the photos are all gone and I HAD NO BACKUP T.T lol

BUT BUT BUT Thanks to my genius friend she had ALL THE PHOTOS BACKED UP IN HER FB LOL LOVE DIE HER!!

Anw, I also did not want to end off my 3 years worth of school with just a post of my graduation. I want to show you all the growth in US. not just me, but me and my friends throughout this 3 years in school.. I mean its really like a blink of an eye. Time goes, there are ups and there are definitely more downs... But through it all, its worthwhile because we grow into adults from this stage and we move on ahead. Friends or Foes it doesn't matter anymore because all I know that its... I have a bunch of lovely schoolmates that are called Friends :)

Today begin with Studying in NYP asn't my first choice. it was my 11th choice. OH WELL. I THOUGHT I WOULD GET INTO A GOOD COURSE WITH MY KNS GRADES & in fact I'm not the only one with 11th choice hanging on it me.

On Our orientation day back in 2010 we were asked in front of everyone this is our which choice and that was the time I get to know this person :


Her name is Yeo Yeo Jiaren and her name is funny because if you say it in chinese means 'Family' and if you say it backwards which is ren jia means 'other people' LOL I remember the first time she introduced herself as Jiaren I almost wanted to like burst out into laughter. HAHAHAHA Jiaren's role in our clique was basically the starter of everything! ahhaa QUARREL, FIGHT, WORK, WHATEVER YOU CAN NAME WILL HAVE HER IN IT! AHAHAH But in a good way because thinking back now its all so funny. AND HOR. THANKS TO HER, there was a period of time I quarrel with her and left the clique in the end my grades suffered a 3.0 GPA for that semester okay! (PROBABLY BECAUSE OF THAT I DIDN'T GET MY DIPLOMA WITH MERIT) LOL BUT. Whatever we are good to go now and more happy than ever. Just wanted to thank her personally because outings with her are always fun! haha

Orientation was really a mere 3 days BUT we were so bonded like we found our love nests. A Clique was then formed on that day which I dont remember I think its 30 March 2010


Really loved the time when we were having our orientation! haha We won the 2nd prize from our role playing. being creative! ahhaha so funny I still remember that I acted as the tree and was also one of the KEY ROLE FOR OUR 2ND PRIZE OKAY! Judges said the throwing of leafs was very creative ! HAHAHAHA I WAS AN IMPORTANT TREE LOL!

p1 p2p3

This are some of the things we do in class .... HAHAHAHA

p1 p2p3p4p5

Looking back now having class was so fun we always play in our classrooms and I totally love presentation times when everyone will wear nice nice etc. hahahaa


On top of that we love to webcam hahaha these were taken in year 1 sadly we didn't had time to take anymore as classes stack up to one another our time playing greatly reduced....

Also we didn't go well. A lot of friends in our clique had internal conflicts... conflicts from projects and disagreement were the main reason why our clique broke up... oh well at least there are still a handful of people left.. haha

In this 3 years... we not just only had school. we did so many things. We were the orientation leaders from our juniors, we went to pretty much a lot of places. we had a lot of first times.... Like visiting the art museum, playing laser quest, many many dinner gatherings, picnic, science center, and even internships.


Year 1&2 was like riding on a roller coaster, so fun and so exciting. Thinking back now all I can think was ... Poly life was fun. great. of cos don't talk about projects liao siao talk about projects like spoil my mood only. LOL

And when we hit year 3.... time passed so fast I don't even remember what happened. hahaa! Like everytime went on a rocket shooter zibabom and tadah I'm done with school. JUST LIKE THAT.

and here are the little and heart warming things that we did....



Rory and I


My Brother Caroline. LOL


My Lovely Clique as you can see reduced to this state. LOL

Last Cohort Chalet


My friends!


My most afraid of lecturer ! Because I don't understand what he says LOL




DMDG '10



Time flies its time for us to go and our beloved lecturer to pursue his interest. all the best once again :)


My Graduation Day 

I know everyone is just like waiting for this moment la. cos this is the only part that has NEW PHOTOS. LIKE NEVER SEE BEFORE ONE. LOL


Ironically this is caroline and she managed to graduate hahaa back in the days we always worried that she will fail and wont be able to graduate with us! ANYWAY I PLAYED A BIG PART IN HER POLY LIFE OKAY! IN TERMS OF ACADEMY ! hahaa and she was there trying to act like she was from harry potter! LOL


at the top is my DMDG Cohort photo taken by my sister... Not long later everyone in there were as nervous as hell....


and not long later WE WERE QUEUING UP FOR THE GRANDEST STAGE OF OUR LIFETIME. LOL guess which one is me LOL


and that's me honoring my graduation certificate which is EMPTY INSIDE LOL... Notice the height difference? LOL


Vivien came and bought flowers for me! thank you :)


Sunqi came with her also bought flowers for me thank you :)


Michelle came without flowers, but I really want to thank her because she traveled down all the way from the east just to take this one photo with me!


This bombster came because he didn't want to bomb me again. HAHAHAHA


Well ~ besides poly I also met a friend of mine from secondary school who happens to graduate in the same school but different course as me! haha


Sorry Mr Soren, I still dislike 3D :\ LOL !


Every school has an Angel and my Angel in this school is her! Ms Lina! haha She was the one who taught us traditional drawing and that was when I fell in love with drawing so much and improved from there thank you so so much :)


Beside me are the Mother & Father of our Cohort (Despite their appearance) LOL Thank you so much Ms Lum! You're the one that brought me back from my depressed state when I was so stressed with work! haha I think without you, and without your patience I would not graduate ! I'M SERIOUS! I always go and find you and annoy you for portfolio! LOL If you never let me annoy I think I will come out with a crappy portfolio and failed. LOL And Mr Stanley, although your face always very fierce and I disliked you the first time when I saw you in year1, I love you now la hor! you're so good! so nice to us! Always settle our shit! Our attendance our conflicts like clean the mess we created! thank you so so soooo much!

There's so many to thank but I just have a small space to write it out so I will be here to thank the last people who contributed to my poly life. from the start till the very ending :


Yes! Its you! HAHAHA! Thank you so much for making my poly life sooooo fun! You used to travel all the way down to my house, to overnight , to play, to do work whatever but it always didn't turn out well! Also thank you for being there all the time when I needed someone to talk to, or when I want to gossip. LOL I know la you also very kaypo one! Other than that I think you should thank me already LOL

And for the last two ladies of me life :


Thank you My mummy & My sister! Actually hor. I dono what to thank leh My mummy maybe cos she pays my school fees but my sister? Maybe because she snatched my computer when I wanted to do work. Ohya I should also thank Hiccup for destroying me thumbdrive and made me go crazy because there was assignments in it. LOL

Time passed REALLY SUPER FAST LA.. Three years in complied in a box on my blog. Just like that. its done and finished! Everything finished already and we all have to move in different aspects of our lives. If there's anywhere you dislike about me, let bygones be bygones! We live to love not to hate anymore and besides its the past. Let's all just have a good memory of our poly life!


GoodBye & Thankyou DMDG'10 You're one pen inked on my heart and soul <3

 ...............until we meet again :)

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