So here's a video of my latest giveaway TOPSHOP GIVEAWAY WORTH UP TO. $100
So from the topic above you guys should know that I am 20years old. Okay stop asking me how old I am. I AM NOT THAT OLD.
So basically this year not like the previously years, I did not plan for a party. Simply because I think there's no need for it. At first I thought its going to be all boring and stuffs. BUT IN THE END IT BECAME SO FUN AND SO NICE... I went out several times with different cliques. Even until now I still haven't finish celebrating! My ladyboss just treated me pizza hut, and I am still going out next week for two other dinner dates.. I feel so blessed...
So I shall begin with our date with my secondary school mates... It was really really epic and fun...
I told them that I miss singing so they brought me to marina bay's Kbox to sing....
Before that let's just show you a cute couple photo. HAHAHAH Look at that SO CUTE ANTON LOL
A photo of me singing taken by I dono who. HAHAHA look at my SHARP features. LOL not photoshopped ! Only edited my nose straighter LOL
We camwhore a lot but I'm just going to show these few and upload the rest on my fb :)
Okay la they are not a couple. But its so cute this two.. HAHAH
After singing, we went to the garden area to take some photos...
My friends trying to act small.
A photo of me trying to act chio. LOL no la I look at the wrong point!
We carried on to take some selcas
My 2nd Wife & I
Then later on my maid became my photographer to take model pictures of me. LOL
She ask me to pose like that one. LOL
I like this photo..
Okay that's all for the model photos is my birthday! I not going to pose so much HAHAHAH
And me with the marina bay sands thingy.
After that we saw the sunset and headed over to meet more people for dinner...
They were probably going to surprise me but WELL its like expected they will come and we are too old for surprises LOL...
Sorry for the ugly food photos it was really very dark there! We had dinner at Timbre, by the Singapore River. So romantic siol my goodness...
I swear this is the BEST quality I can make out from already the place was really too dark LOL all these fake lightning are added in by ME!
So after dinner we decided to camwhore at that place. I mean like its totally dark so everything will go with FLASH. horrible photos will be shown from here onwards LOL
We took too many photos so this is the only way to upload them... By putting pictures together... And these photos are not everything you'll be seeing in fact its just 1/3 of all. LOL
I swear like half of my secondary school clique have braces now. like ITS THE TREND...
HAHAH wait till you see more crazy things we do! The last photo was taken as an accidentally because we saw one man lying on the floor and I was like 'DAFUG' is wrong with him.
HAHAHA We were crazy ! LOL
LOL I dono what to say all blur one so I thought of putting them together LOL
This is the photo which I found out that I REALLY LOOK OLD NOW... LIKE OLDER OLD....
That's all for this clique! Thank you all. Even after secondary school, even when we don't contact as much as before, you guys still were there for me whenever I needed you all LOVE YOU ALL MUACKS.
Okay Carry on to the next celebration to my birthday on the dot.....
I actually feel bad because I never really gave my birthday (on the dot) to my poly mates. So this year I really decided to give it to them. I AM SORRY. LOL
I really wanted it simple, just a dinner date and movie and done. IT WAS SOOOO FUN.. We had dinner at the most common place you can find ' Xin Wang '....
But I really really did enjoy myself :)
I really hope I can write more about the outing but I dont have much photos! So basically I went out with my part time girlfriend caroline also known as Kurimirina on IG... We went to shop at TOPSHOP. lol.... Then bought birthday presents for JR and she was so happy until want to cry hahaha
After that we have a movie 'DISCONNECT' SUPER NICE its about social media BEST MOVIE OF THE YEAR RECOMMEND ALL TO WATCH!
We only took two photos. but two is enough to express my love for you all! hehee! (NOT LITTLE AH)
Thank you all for celebrating my birthday! So touched! omg I going to tear! LOL
Next up ...
Is the cute and handsome people that celebrated with me! Thank you Vivien for planning this, and your friends for treating me to my fav ichiban sushi and Hellven for coming because I know you're really really busy and tired but yet you still came! I was so touched AND JINO for coming down after school! LOL
A photo taken with my brother men. LOL Thank you all for planning my birthday!
Thank you mummy & co This year really never cut cake. Upgrade liao use cupcakes HAHAHAH
Thank you all for the presents and really ah... Vivien & Co Bought me PUSHIES lol.... I HOW OLD ALREADY PUSHIES ARE FOR YOUR AGE LOL! but thanks anyway HAHAHAHH AND ALL THE WISHES ON MY PHONE, FB, IG, TWITTER, YOUTUBE, EVEN SKOUT
Lastly.... I love everyone, every clique,and every single one of you out there without you I wouldn't be so happy. This blog is too small to whole everything I want to say.. So I will just end off with a....
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