Monday, September 16, 2013

Jiaren and I

Hey guys its been awhile since you last see me.

So a few days ago was my bestie's birthday. She turned 20 and we had a simple and small celebration for her.

To begin with.... This is NOT A LOVE STORY okay there's a reason why I'm writing this post so you just continue reading it okay?

So We headed to Marche to celebrate her birthday...

Ya so from so many photos above I bet you can see like although we didn't have a big big clique we do had fun chatting and gossiping about.. and here comes the story.

Jiaren and I had a big huge quarrel before.... And I kinda know why we had this fight and even after we get back together I didn't want to bring it up anymore but right now I have to say it out because I think this kind of thing... Lets just say dont let it happen to you okay?

So back to the days that we were still fine... we had a huge clique. had wonderful friends all around us... and one day I was selected to join the butler cafe... At that point of time things changed... Because I met another awesome clique. which are the mmk & ar people.. we had to go out often to clique well before AFA.. Also known as Anime Festival Asia. draw close.

Therefore I went out with them and actually neglected my poly friends....

Jiaren is a girl who dislike people not turning up for hangouts. I used to hangout a lot with them but because of my new clique I started to ditch them.... and even lied to them just to go out with the new clique...

Okay I HAVE TO CLARIFY THIS.. I lied because I don't want them to be disappointed and I don't want the new clique to be disappointed too. So I wanted to maintain a good and healthy relationship for both sides...

But I guess I was wrong... so we started not talking to one another that often... and then she started to say bad things about me behind my back... and one day I found out about it and I got angry and we were like had a big big big big big quarrel over it....

So we split up.

I was like kinda sad because I left the clique and was alone most of the time and then I started to skip school.... sleep VERY VERY LATE every night and then do shitty works. and tadah. My grades were affected. that very semester... My GPA dropped to 3.0 and had 1 D+ and 1 C+ On my grades. that was the first time I get anything below a B. I was really upset....

and then I went to holland.... One day I accidentally liked Jiaren's photo on FACEBOOK. Then she started liking my photos back again.. (The funny thing is we quarreled so big and we still have one another on fb) Then she just suddenly started talking to me....

And then she apologized. I was really shocked actually. Like its once in a blue moon she would do that and after all that.. we became good friends again..

So the moral of the story is not like I want jiaren to feel bad for making my life miserable. I just want to say that without her...... There wouldn't be a kife like who I am now. I realize that I had to balance it out right for both parties... And she is someone who really does treasure her friends.. So I am super duper grateful to her and I love to gossip and bitch with her! HAHAHA Let's all continue and stay on together like this forever and ever okay?

I also admire how much she can put into like someone. She is like the girl that you can find in drama or anime... that would do anything for love and SACRIFICE ANYTHING FOR HER LOVE ONES...


You taught me a lot and now I'm trying my best to sustain this long term friendship by having time with you all okay! although you know sometimes I'm really busy but we all grew up and we can understand one another right??? ahahahahaha

Okay Shall continue the birthday story...

So after that we headed to eat at hong kong cafe...

We went there so that we can cut this cake. HAHAHA hey you guess how much is this cake..


EXPENSIVE RIGHT LOL But its really a good cake although I wont buy it LOL

After that we went home and gone bye...

So ya I told you guys my story... I said so much because I don't want any of you out there to have the same things happening to me. What I had done wasn't right. We shouldn't lie thinking that its a 'white lie' its still lie anyways. Just be truthful to anyone and you will get back the same thing.. Unless your friend is a pain in the ass there I suggest you to find someone else! HAHAAHAHA

Okay lastly... I had a fun time writing this So I would like to say this :



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