Even though I went out I didn't take photos (Like how I used to take food photos and with people) Because you know like now I botak not nice ah then I just want to enjoy my life to the fullest so I just like eat all my food when its up.. HAHA
As much as I want to slack I have been thinking about blogging and such because I know there's people who want to read my blog but I don't have the time and I have no ideas of blogging. Do you just enjoy reading all the nonsense that I type? Or would you like tutorials and such?
Honestly speaking, Tutorials wise I am super clueless!! Because I have just been sticking and sucking thumbs in the army.. LOL
The funny thing was even some of my army buddies were asking me to update my blog and to talk about them! haha!! The thing is I like to update my blog with a lot of pictures one ma So inside the camp cannot take photos so I also cannot update!
Anyway Next week will be my last week as a recruit and afterwards I will become a private. I can't wait there's so many things I will be doing in my block leave period.
Although you haven't been seeing me lately. I definitely did not just disappear because HEHEHE BIGTVSG launched on April 1st (I know right april fools day) and soon in about a month's time you will be able to watch my shows on islandwide coffeeshops! (they are installing the tv boxes in the coffeeshops currently starting on the east areas)
I know a lot of you have been asking me. asking me loads and loads of questions when will bigtv launch? Because the supposed launch date was December last year but we dragged until now because we faced a lot of difficulties and technical problems!
And I'm proud to say I've finally waited for today... this moment when I see myself on TV... and someone is watching it... *CRIES*
Anyway June will be having a drama called - Class of 94 which has me starring as one of the main lead inside so do watch ya?
Okay so let's talk about my plans during my block leave....
Honestly speaking I have 3 advertorials on hand that I haven't touched yet so you will be seeing me blog quite oftenly after this post! But must give me time to edit photos la HAHAHA
April will be a fruitful month because I will be shooting and filming too. Will be filming a new show called 'My Impossible Date' haha I'm leaking the details out now so that you all will anticipate with me!
ALSO - I will be having my cosplay debut soon HAHAHAHA Can't wait to cosplay with our dear estelle now I'm just waiting for the costume to arrive HOHOHO
Ohya did I mention about Anime Matsuri 2014? This year there might be a slight possibility that I'm joining la! sooo there's no promise but I will try to attend okay? despite having army hor!!
Okay now I shall start my blog post rewinding for the past 2 months HAHAHA

This was my first ever bookout and I went out with my manager and caroline we headed to shop in town and like went to eat ice cream and many many more things la I can't remember liao so I will just post the photos there for you all to see. If I' not wrong I watched a movie with caroline that day but I can't remember which movie LOL!

Caroline & I went to Bugis to Dine at Ma-Maison. I have always wanted to dine there but didn't had the chance. I tell you the atmosphere there is AWESOME.. HAHAHA But the staffs a bit rude the waiter saw me eating the twelve cupcakes and like said me I was a bit angry la but the food there is really not bad I would rate it 4/5 ! HHAHAHA
Afterwards we went to like the steamboat area of bugis to meet up with my manager she is a steamboat whore LOL!!

After steamboat we went to TOP ONE to sing. Honestly Speaking the songs there are quite disappointing because they don't have a lot of new songs like not very updated de...

I went to meet my friend on this day to watch a movie. I also don't remember le. OH IT WAS 300. Watched 300 on that day hmmm..
Honestly speaking its like 3/5 to me. LOL Not a fan of that show and I didn't watch the first part. It was pretty gross lol

Early Morning woke up to prepare for a meet up with my fellow secondary school friends HAHAHA So camwhore-d a bit and headed over to town.....

Went to gallery and wanted to dine at antionette but it was full so I THOUGHT THAT HEY HERE GOT MA- MAISON TOO.... So lets go try it. Turn out to be the food SUCKS. AND VERY PRICY The bowl of pork rice costed me like $30. NOT WORTH
1/5 rating...

After a whole day of excitment we went to sing at the KBOX and look who i saw... Preston HAHAHAH
This date I can't remember what I did.

But I remember I ate ice cream with my boss. LOL

Went to date my friend and dine at cine cafe that day. HAHA watched TARZAN .. It was not bad leh the graphics was cool and the 3D effects are really not bad.... I would rate ir 3.5/5... Like not the best but still okay la HAHAH

Small gathering with my kifinanas that day at pizza hut I was madly craving for it and we did dine there and had fun hAHAHA after which headed to shaw to meet my friend and like we watched Divergent. well. ITS A NICE SHOW. and a very memorable date! Love it to the max.
Rate it 4/5 !! HAHA

Went to meet caroline on this date for 'The Wind rises' movie I tell you what this was the day that I screwed up badly. Firstly I went to facial and I realize that day was jasmine's 21st birthday. I wanted to tell her I can't make it because I already bought tickets to catch the movie at night and her party starts at 7pm. She was so disappointed and of cos touched my heart so I tried to make time for her la.
After facial went to 313 to dine with caroline at this japanese restaurant. I swear the food there is not very nice.. I dont even remember the name of the restaurant please its at basement de... AFTERWARDS....

HEY! Looks who was so steady and turned up her party!!! It was held at Kranji Farm President suite and It was so good got KTV one leh HAHAHAH SING SING SING LOR
After that I rushed to town and watched the wind rises movie with caroline
Honestly the movie was so disappointing the animation was indeed very good but the storyline pretty much sucked and very boring until I fell asleep..
I would rate the animation 4/5 and the story like maybe 2/5?
Not very good really

This was a very memorable day after I booked out from camp I rushed down to my junior's gradaution show. How can I believe it. my god its been a year since I graduated and like I still can't believe that I lived to this date being able to head down to see their graduation show and of cos see my poly mates hahaha!! I went with a wig.

Later that night I met the gushies and removed my wig cos it was itching pretty bad hahaha had a fun K-session with them until mid night HOHOHOHOHO!!!

This date wanted to leave my house with my wig on for a movie de but then... HAHAHA It was pretty bad at the end so didn't wear it out.

Met my friend and FINALLY ate Antionette I was like craving madly for it sia.. Anyways watched a movie I forgot the name liao I think it was Captain America. Something along that line it was pretty good man! And I really loved it Rate it 4.5/5 !! Good movie to watch!!!

This day I went to watch a movie with my friend and I can't remember what's the name of the movie also I think it was a bad movie .... let me think ah
3.5/5 !!! HAHAHA

It was a lovely fun night with my friend and I will always remember it. OKAY SORRY HAVE TO RUSH OFF COS I AM GOING TO HAVE DINNER NEXT BLOG POST SOON !!
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