I went on a small little outing that day with Lynde and Jing. Haha went to chit chat and talk cock sing song haha! Took a few photos and ate some stuffs so decided to blog a little about it you might find this post short and boring. #warning haha!
So we went to Jurong point and decided to take a few photos there! Nothing much to take one la there like only grass nia but still managed to take a few shots :

Afterwards it became dark and we met up with Jing. And took a photo for her :

Hahaha she act one EMO only! Afterwards we decided to dine in at Wadari.
Their sabu sabu set quite expensive but the pig soup is DAMM GOOD!!! It's quite costly la!

The bill was a wooping $101. Like for so little food it's actually kinda not worth eating la.
But nevermind once in awhile only. Afterwards we went up to Bakerzin.


Had a bit of dessert there untl everything close. Haha jurong point now renovate until very chio! There's HongKong, Japan, Korea and Malaysia streets in the mall! Haha it really looks very nice haha
Okay shall end my boring post HAHAH BYEBYE
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