Saturday, May 11, 2013

What puberty did to me?

Hey guys its been awhile since you last see me!

I've been wanting to blog for awhile now, but I HAD NO CLUE ON WHAT I WANT TO BLOG...

So before I start I would like to show you some of my recent loves!


Thank you so much jessica tjia! You are such a good friend even though I met you through the cafe you never fail to make my day! I really love the effort and your knitting skills are EXCELLENT..

Its me and hiccup + a mystery dog. LOL


MY BIG LOVE FOR NINTENDO 3DS! HAHA I've been spending loads of time on it ever since I bought it. LOL!!! After playing pokemon I shall start my harvest moon journey!

Okay so I shall begin here :

I went on to ask people and they all told me to do the trending topic....

What puberty did to me

The reason why it took me so long to write this was because of A LOT OF REASONS!

1) I already wrote something similar before here

2) I lost a lot of photos because I changed one of my fb into a page and DID NOT BACK UP.

3) Wouldn't it be boring to read?

I mean I had been posting photos of my before and after like ALWAYS. So whats the point of posting a what puberty did to me post when I already had so many done before??

But what drives me on about this was...


I mean the photos I'm going to show today is of a lifespan on EHEM* 12 YEARS ... From whatever year I was born from.... LOL

So you could see the huge puberty change in me! Okay? haha


I guess all the photos show the growth of my puberty ? ahaha! Okay la Its just me losing weight only.. So I hope you enjoyed reading this post!

I will blog soon ! Next post will be for GIRLS! HAHAA

See ya :)

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