I have a friend whom actually came over from Indonesia for a short stay, and we were living at my old house which is an EMPTY HOUSE. By empty house I mean like there's no INTERNET. no COMPUTER....
Worse part was we took very little photos and most of the photos were UGLY. So right now I will showcase some of the 'nicer' photos la hor?
But before we get started. I met up with some old buddies weeks ago.
Past 1
Her name is Darlene. She is a friend of mine back in secondary school and she went to Canada to study. Now she is 'back' but I think she left already. We decided to meet and had dinner at Ichiban Sushi along side with Miki
Just look at how long these photos were taken already... I had light brown hair and my hair was so much longer....
One more with the pretty Darlene.
One group photo together! Really old buddies man! I know them since I was 10-13?
Anyway time really flies I'm like 12 now.. HAHAHAHA
After that...
Past 2
We had a farewell party for our beloved Lecturer. He went to LA with his wife and ditched us all :( LOL
We also went to build a bear to give birth to a pet white tiger named DD Junior. hahaa Such a cool name LOL!
And by Birth I really mean birth cos we made the bear from scratch and he even has his own birth certificate, passport etc. Like dafug! hahaha
Anyway If you're looking for a review... I am lazy to do one... But I would rate Build a Bear a
They could have scored a 4 but its quite pricey for a bear which cost you $80-90. But this was meant for a meaningful gift so I think its worth paying for.
Our Angmoh Lecturer posing with his cake hahaa!
Two lecturers and best of friends. Can tell from the picture la hor? hahaha
A group photo of us and also the LAST photo taken with our lecturer. AWWW.. So sad and the picture also not well taken LOL
Past 3
There he is my Indonesian friend and I always make fun of him saying that he looks Malay LOL. Okay photos will be from here onwards. LOL
One with Seow.
To be honest going to USS twice is really boring. Not as fun and not as exciting. Lucky I only needed to pay $25 because half of my ticket from sponsored HAHAHAHA
And yes! Miki was there too hahahaa
Seow & Me posing super unglam look at how I sit LOL
We took a lot of photos but I shall end at this one because the rest are really not nice and I have no idea why there's a defect on my arm in that photo LOL.
So we went to Orchard a lot of times if you see photos from my instagram...
I really had NO IDEA why i would take a photo like this... It feels photo awkward and why in the hell I want to take a photo in front of ion... LOL
Oh god I still remember that we had delicious Xiao Long Baos at Din Tai Feng at Orchard that day. Michelle, Lervon and Edwin was there. Ohya I forgot to mention that Edwin is the Indonesian guy's name the rest you don't have to know who is who.. HAHAHAHAHAH
And while my friend was still day we celebrated my granny's dono how old's birthday..
I seriously dono whether she is 78 or 80 this year. LOL She seems 21 to me every year.. hahahah
Then my sis was pestering me to take photos of her.. SO bhb! So i became a cameraman LOL
and then we took a nice family portrait. Oh well I'M THE TALLEST GUY IN THERE. Lucky my cousin didn't come or else he would've beat me with his height. LOL
And time really passed quite fast before we know it, it was time for my friend to return to his country I ACCOMPANIED HIM TO THE AIRPORT. So boring . FYI - I HATE TRAVELING LOL
And took a very last photo before he bids good bye! oh yeah We won't meet ever again so this one is really the last photo.. HA HA HA HA
Past 4
Finally this part is the most exciting part of ALL..
Because I will be showing you guys nice photos of me.. Its just a compilation of photos that I put on Instagram. But since Instagram only allows that small square most of the photos that I didn't put here was just a square there... So I wana show you guys ma...
Oh ya speaking of Instagram! I've currently 800+ followers! HAHAA I wana put the big 9gag face... And please continue to LIKE AND FOLLOW ME! I am aimming a thousand before I go to the army..
I will promise to upload photos daily too !!!
My personal favorite of all
I quite like this too
I also like this leh LOL
I'm not so white in real life.. to be frank LOL
And then I don't even remember taking photos like this LOL
Sorry for the irregular shapes oh LOL
I'm so zilian siol I know I purposely take photos to post on instagram one LOL
I was actually just wearing a jacket LOL
And for the sake of my blog I've added a bonus shot that I special edited for the post or else you will be bored looking at the same photos too LOL
This is behind the scenes shoot LOL I LIKE LEH HAHAHA
I realize some are not edited properly I guess I was too tired.
The failed act 'COOL' shot.
Bonus! Also edit until a bit fail Paiseh LOL Its 2.30am now LOL
I also tried to post without any photoshop at all okay! hahaha
This was actually taken in my new home ! haha
My zilian photo ahaha
After some thought I have decided to show this the unedited version instead of the initial one that I posted.
And on some days that I don't feel like taking photos and I've currently run out of photos to post... I went back to edit some of the photos that I took previously but I didn't post them up on the internet.....
Taken in Holland
I actually still don't really like this photo after some thoughts..
Photoshoot at MBS HAHAHA.
Okay some I have enough talk about my past...
Right now I shall speak about the present...
So only recently! Like really recently like YESTERDAY...
We held a Campaign organised by my gym trainer... And I would officially name this campaign
' We Work, We Share '
There's actually no name for this campaign and I am actually the one that has decided to make this BIG.
WWWS is a campaign that we come out with basically a stand alone organization and our community is VERY VERY SMALL.. By small I mean this:
We work, we share - the name tells it all.
We raised $1500 from gym members + among ourselves and we used the money to order things from the super market and donate them to a block of residents majorly poor elderly people who can't afford to buy themselves food.
And even though we raised this amount like literally 5 times the amount than the previous time...
Its actually quite sad but... I shall do a follow up on the details soon... Like very soon! I'm working on the campaign video that I recorded and will post it up!
Okay I shall end of with a nice group pictures of the lovely volunteers!
Say cheers!
I will be back soon with more content!
Hope you enjoyed reading!
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